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Mathletics App Information
Mathletics App Update:
The Mathletics app is now available for Android devices through the Google Play Store:
It can still also be purchased from i-tunes for Apple devices.
Mathletics app information
Mathletics is the next generation in online Maths learning, helping students enjoy maths and improve their results using self-directed learning.
Mathletics has taken the school by storm and children throughout the school are taking part. Mathletics can be accessed through your browser at Some parents have asked for more information on downloading the app for i-pads and android tablets. Please visit for more information and instructions for how to download these apps. Note: The app is available for android tablets but not through the Play Store – It must be downloaded from the above site. Every student in the school has an individual login. Ask your child’s teacher if you need further login information.