20/4/2020 Ms Elwood

Posted by: | Posted on: April 19, 2020

I hope you all enjoyed the Easter holidays and that you and your family are safe and well. There is a link below with work suggestions for this week. As always, this is just a list of suggestions or a menu of ideas. It does not have to all be completed. Please do what works for you and your child.

I am hoping to facilitate more contact between the children and I so have two things I am setting up this week. Firstly I will be setting up ‘Seesaw’ as a means for communicating with the children and for them to share their work with me. This is optional. If interested, please email me (bairbre.elwood@scmj.ie) with your child’s name and I will send you a code and instructions for how to sign up. Secondly, I will be hosting a video chat on Thursday at 10am for any child in the class who would like to join in! Again, email me if your child would like to participate and I’ll send you the link and instructions to join the chat. This will be a trial but hopefully it will go well! I can’t wait to see some of their faces again! It won’t be a lesson but simply a chat and a chance to catch up. This is entirely optional.

As always please feel free to email me with any questions or if you need any support or indeed to share some work your child has been doing. I always love to hear from them.


Best wishes,

Bairbre Elwood