Welcome back to Senior infants

Posted by: | Posted on: September 1, 2015

welcome back


My name is Louise Moore and I am delighted to be your child’s teacher for their year in Senior Infants. In order to help the class run smoothly I would appreciate if you could do the following:

Facecloths: For health and safety reasons every child is asked to bring in a facecloth in a plastic bag in their schoolbag. The reason for this is to help stop infection by using communal towels. There are no towels in Senior Infant bathrooms. Can I also ask you to wash your child’s facecloth every weekend so they have a fresh one each week.

Volunteers for reading: Reading is an essential part of your child’s education and the more practice that is done the better for the children. On this note I would like to appeal for volunteers who would help listen to reading in the class.

If anyone is available to listen to the children reading for around 30 – 45 mins each week it would be fantastic.

If I could get three or four people it would mean the children will be read with nearly every day of the week this would really help their development. Please let me know if you could help.

Names: Could you please make sure your child’s name is written on every item that they bring into school including uniforms and books.

Drinks: I intend to allow children drink breaks throughout the day so they can stay hydrated. Could you please make sure if they are bringing a drink to school it is in a bottle they can open and close rather than a pouch. This may perhaps mean adding a water bottle to their bag as well as their normal school lunch. If you are getting the school lunches they will include a bottle of water each day.

Books: There are a number of children who are missing books or have the wrong books. If your child is missing any books today please try and get them as soon as possible as we will be using them from today

Finally, I welcome your input and would be delighted to speak with you about your child but I would ask you to make an appointment with me, either before or after school, as it can be difficult to speak at the door and manage the class at the same time. If you are not available around school times feel free to write a note in and I will deal with it as best I can.

Looking forward to a great year! J

Ms Moore