Bothar visitor

Posted by: | Posted on: November 9, 2014

Our school had a visit from Bothar – the charity we help with our globe day money each year.  Aisling came and showed us photos and explained how our money helps them to send animals to the very poor countries. We have sent chickens most years which are very helpful.

We saw how they get a plane and then lorries to their new families. We also saw that the families have to have training to learn how to look after their new animals properly. Also every family gives some of the new born animals to another family in the village !

In this way our gift keeps on going and growing ! Many families and villages benefit from our globe day coins. It is a wonderful gift  for so many. Aisling , and the teachers too, are very grateful for your help in sending in the coins when you can.
Thank you


Bothar visitor Aisling with Room 2, 2nd class